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 Articles by Vladimir Kanashevsky

1. International Treaty as a Source of Domestic Law. Public and Private Law: Development and Interaction, Implementation in Law and Legal Practice: Materials of All-Russian Scientific-Practice Conference (April, 23-24, 1998). Yekaterinburg: USLA, 1999.

2. Qualification of International Treaty as a Source of Domestic Law. Russian Juridical Journal 2 (1999).

3. Direct Application of International Treaties in the Russian Federation. Russian Juridical Journal 4 (2002).

4. Correlation of Material and Procedural Aspects in Private International Law. Russian Juridical Journal 1 (2003).

5. The concepts of the 'Relation with Foreign Elements' and 'Applicable Law' in Private International Law. Journal of Private International Law 2-3 (2002).

6. Invalidity of International Contracts: Administrative and Civil Law Aspects. The Economical Offences: History, Conditions, the Problems for Combating: Materials of International Scientific-Practice Conference (April, 18-19, 2002). Yekaterinburg: USLA, 2002.

7. Role of the European Court of Human Rights case law in Regulation of the Civil Law Relations in Russia. Journal of Russian Law 4 (2003).

8. Interpretation of the International Treaties Governing the Civil Law Relations. Materials of All-Russian Science and Practice Conference "Application of International Treaties on Human Rights in Legal System of Russian Federation". Yekaterinburg: USLA, 2003.

9. Right to File a Lawsuit to the European Court of Human Rights and the Protection of Civil Rights in Russia. Russian Year Book of Civil and Arbitration Procedure for 2002-2003. No 2. St.Petersburg: St.Petersburg University Publishing House, 2004.

10. The European Court of Human Rights Case Law as Regulatory Control over of Civil Law Relations in Russia. Journal of Russian Law 4 (2003).

11. Legal Status of International Organization as an Entity Governed by Private International and Civil Law. Jurisprudence 3 (2003).

12. Russian Public Entities as Entities governed by Private International Law. Journal of Private International Law 3 (2003)

13. International Organizations and Foreign States: Participants in Civil Law Relations in Russia. Review of Central and East European Law 1 (2004). (Leiden, The Netherlands)

14. International Trade Customs and their Role in Russian Legal System. Journal of Russian Law 8 (2003).

15. Concept of 'Civil Rights' in the International Treaties on the Protection of Human Rights and in Russian Law. State and Law Journal. 9 (2004).

16. Law Applicable to Assignment and Termination of Contractual Obligations. Journal of Private International Law 1 (2005).

17. Private International Law Transactions Involving State. Journal of Private International Law 1 (2006).

18. Grounds for Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments under Russian and Foreign Law. Journal of Private International Law 4 (2006).

19. Determination of Applicable Law in Practice of International Commercial Arbitration. Public and Private International Law 6 (2006).

20. Imperative Rules in Practice of International Commercial Arbitration. International Trade Law 2 (2007).

21. Methods of Determination of Applicable Law in Practice of International Commercial Arbitration. Journal of Russian Law 5 (2007).

22. Bill of Exchange: Conflict of Laws Issues in Russian Case Law. Laws and Economics 8 (2007).

23. Regulation of Civil Law Relations in Russia by International Treaties on Human Rights. Jurisprudence 5 (2007).

24. Regulating the Carrier's and Forwarder's Liability under the Contract for the International Multimodal Carriage of Goods. Law 1 (2008).

25. Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road in Russian and Foreign Case Law: Substantive Law and Conflict of Laws Issues. Economy and Law 2 (2008).

26. «Lex Mercatoria» Concept in Private International Law. Russian Yearbook of International Law. St.Petersburg. 2008.

27. International Commercial Arbitration and Public Order. Arbitrazh and Civil Procedure. 6 (2008).

28. International (Interstate) Customs as a Regulatory Controls over Private Law Relations. State and Law Journal. 7 (2008).

29. The Concept of International Contract in Russian Law, Theory and Case Law. Journal of Russian Law. 7 (2008).

30. Regulation of the International Carriage of Goods by Rail-road: International Treaties in Russian Case Law. Law 7 (2008).

31. Distribution Agreements with Foreign Entities in Russian Commercial Practice: Substantive Law and Conflict of Laws Issues. Law 10 (2008).

32. Force-majeure Clause in International Contracts. Journal of Russian Law. 2 (2009).

33. Uniform Application of International Treaties which Govern International Contracts. Jurisprudence 6 (2009).

34. The Carrier's Liability under the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Air. Economy and Law 1 (2010).

35. Construction Contracts in Russian Commercial Practice. Journal of Russian Law. 7 (2010).

36. Conflict of Laws Regulation of Securities: Current Development and Perspectives. Journal of Russian Law. 9 (2011).

37. License Agreements in Foreign Law and Practice. Law. 12 (2011).

38. Insurance Contracts in International Commerce: Conflict of Law Regulation and Practices. Legislation. 6 (2012).

39. Offshore companies: specifics of their participation in civil law relations. Law. 9 (2012).

40. Trusts: the Concept and Practice of their Use in Foreign States. Journal of Russian Journal of Foreign Laws and Comparative Jurisprudence. 4 (2012).

41. Legal Regime of Transnational Transfer of Personal Data. Legislation. 12 (2012).

42. Conflict of Laws Regulation of License Agreements in Russian and Foreign Law. Journal of Russian Law. 2 (2013).

43. On the law applicable to offshore trusts and their recognition. Law. 4 (2013).

44. Agreements on Transfer of Confidential Information: Issues of Conflict of Laws. Legislation. 5 (2013).

45. Conflict of Laws Regulation of Commercial Representation in International Trade. Law. 8 (2013).

46. The International Franchise Agreement: the Content and Conflict of Law Regulation. Legislation. 9 (2013).

47. Shareholders' Agreements with a Foreign Partner: Applicable Law Issues. Public and Private International Law 5 (2013).



Books, text-books and case books by Vladimir Kanashevsky


1. Legal Regime of Off-shore Companies and Trusts

Moscow: International Relations, 2013.
151 pages
1000 copies

Legal Regime of Off-shore Companies and Trusts 

2. International Contracts: Substantive Law and Conflict of Laws Regulatory Issues

Moscow: Wolters Kluwer, 2008.
608 pages
ISBN: 978-5-466-00342-0
1000 copies

 International Contracts: Substantive Law and Conflict of Laws Regulatory Issues.

3. Private International Law. Textbook

Moscow: International Relations, 2006.
752 pages
ISBN 978-5-7133-1346-3
3000 copies

Private International Law. Textbook. 

4. Private International Law. Textbook. 2-nd ed.

Moscow: International Relations, 2009.
704 pages
ISBN: 5-7133-1269-0
5000 copies

Private International Law. Textbook. 2-nd ed. 

5. Private International Law. Casebook

Moscow: International Relations, 2006. (coauthor – V.Tolstykh)
256 pages
ISBN 5-7133-1272-0
2500 copies

Private International Law. Casebook. 

6. Legal Regulation of International Contracts

Moscow: International Relations, 2005.
304 pages
ISBN: 5-7133-1241-0
2000 copies

Legal Regulation of International Contracts. 

7. International Rules and Russian Civil Legislation

Moscow: International Relations, 2004.
272 pages
ISBN: 978-5-7133-1173-5
3000 copies

International Rules and Russian Civil Legislation. 
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